Where a significant volume of payments exist, the following problems will be encountered on a day to day basis.
- Getting the payment records into the computer system in a timely manner.
- Preparing all the cheques and postal orders for banking by the banking dead-line.
- Agreeing the days banking figures with the account posting figures from the system.
- Agreeing the banks deposit value figure with your own system value figures.
- Dealing with all types of queries.
- Dealing with all queries created by the payments themselves.
The Cognitronics Payment Processing Solution will automate this process by means of automatically capturing payment information previously keyed by the operator and then automating the encoding of amounts on cheques.
Our system negates the need to perform the traditional add listing approach to balancing, in fact CogniScan ensures 100% data integrity in a fraction of the time.
A secondary feature of CogniScan is the fact that Reports can be generated such as Bank Listing and other statistical reports of captured data.
The Retrieval of payment images is also an extremely useful part of CogniScan. Retrieval is where customer queries can be rectified immediately by the instant access of captured images and associated data, this negates the lengthy time and cost of retrieving remittances manually from your archive and also the cost and delay of contacting the bank for the cashed cheque.
Assurances that you will not be bombarded with follow up calls our continued mailshots as we work to a no hard sell policy, we let the demonstrations do the talking and if you are interested, we will provide further information. Please make contact for a chat or to have a no obligation demonstration at a location of your preference.